My First Time Experiencing A snow storm

With the new year beginning less than a couple of weeks ago, I got the most beautiful chance to experience a snow storm. Coming from an area where there’s nothing but the sun and hot weather, I could only be filled with excitement and absolute awe. For most people, snow is seen as another “rainstorm” with freezing temperatures. I mean, I get it because where I was from, people traveled there for the beaches and I saw them only as the endless ocean. 

My family and I spent the days prior preparing, staying caught up with the news, and shopping for food and water that we may need. Days leading up to the snow storm, I was at work and they had posted an announcement that they may close the store down. Seeing that this was my second job and that this was very new to me, I made sure to become aware of what’s going on. Having a job close for the safety of their employees was rather nice and understanding to me.

I was working at the register and the store was crowded with people shopping for any last minute items, grocery carts full of things and cases of water if the power went out. In between each interaction, there were customers who were telling me all kinds of things like how far away they were, their guesses on how much snow we’d get, and if we were going to be open the following day. Surprisingly, engaging with the customers and working made the day go by quickly and next thing you know, I was clocked out and ready to head home.

After I got home from work, I ate dinner and the night fell rather quickly. When the storm hit, I fell asleep unaware that the snow was layering the grounds outside. The storm was moving over me, sprinkling its snow one speck at a time. My body was wanting a much needed rest and it didn’t help that the warmness from my blanket comforted me in the chilly yet heated room. 

Once I woke up, I remembered that Jack Frost had begun his reign of blowing down snowflakes and covering the ground with a time-standing blanket of snow. I jumped down off my bed and looked out the window to see the very thing that amazed me. The snow actually stuck to the ground, the road was nowhere to be seen, and the trees were naked with snow trimming. 

I couldn’t believe that we got snow! I giggled to myself when I saw that the salt that was placed the day before wasn’t good enough to protect the asphalt underneath. While I was enjoying this wonderful winter morning, I remembered to look at my phone to see if I was going to work today. The store had announced that they were going to remain close and all I could do was smile that this day was going to be enjoyed. 

I checked on my family to see if they were up and my mom was sitting and admiring the movie that played in the window. Seeing big balls of snow falling and the distance so blurred out showed that this is truly a snow storm. I can say that we had little snow falls here and there but nothing to the extent of this. 

After long, the snow stopped and my family went out to feel the weather firsthand and it was out of the ordinary. We did however need to go get out coats and my brother asked if we could actually go outside into the snow. Everyone went and bundled up, winter boots and mittens on, and we carefully ran down to go step into the snow. 

As I made it outdoors, I could see my breath and the cold was slowly making its way to wanting to freeze me up. All around me was just the alluring reminder that this was snow. I did capture some photos since I wanted to remember this day and that this was the first winter storm of 2025. They may look more on the ordinary side, but to me, I think they’re nothing but the world showing us that simple things are beauty of its own kind. 

We couldn’t stay out long because the snow was getting to us, especially with our mittens betraying us after we had our share of throwing snowballs at one another. Together, we made it back inside and relaxed for the rest of the day.  

Thank you so much for reading about my experience with a snow storm. Luckily, it wasn’t too serious and our power didn’t go out. I spent the rest of the day as another day off from work and I spent it with my family. Experiencing this, I think I’d like to have a plan or make a list of fun things to do as the snow does it thing once more. 

Have a great day and hope you take care, 


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